16. Discussion Forum LCA: Input-Output methods and LCA

Program (PDF)

Prof. Gabrielle Antille Gaillard From Input-Output Tables to Modelling Environmental Issues abstract
Prof. Greg Norris An Introduction to Input-Output LCA Theory and Methodology, its Strengths and Weaknesses and a Comparison between Input-Output LCA and Process LCA slides
Tourane Corbiere Evaluating sustainability at the communal level Slides
Yves Loerincik Comparison of the impacts of the EPFL computer network using process and input LCA slides
Sangwon Suh The Hybrid Approach Merging IO and Process LCA abstract
Torsten Marheineke Performing Entire Life Cycle Inventory Assessment: Input-Output Tables as Background Inventory Data for LCA slides
Moritz Nill Life Cycle Assessment of the PV Power Production Using the Hybrid Approach slides
David Shipworth A Bayesian Hybrid LCA model of stochastic embodied greenhouse gas emissions in construction materials slides

Conference Reports:

Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment: From Theory to Applications